Saturday, March 28, 2009

creepin at mit

I've been out doing hipster things for the past two weeks in our humble little city and will be going out again soon. I shall tell you about a gem this city has to offer: the chapel at MIT, which I initially mistook for a tomb because it looked like some Treasury of Atreus shit. But we decided to check it out and it was so fucking trippy! We discovered a hidden staircase that led to an even creepier set of halls and doors. I was expecting the Crypt Keeper or worse, Dave Seliger, to rise up from a coffin or something. All that has helped me resolve that I am definitely spending more time on the MIT campus this spring.

P.S. Spring project starts on Monday and will hopefully mean an assload of time to do nothing, so I should be able to really polish this place up. So, look for better and more relevant things soon.
P.P.S. Today I learned that a group of kittens is called a kindle. Oh mah gah.

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